Courses and Masterclasses

uwMeeting proves to be extremely versatile and useful even for institutions that organize master classes and summer academies.
The audio quality and ease of use in this context also position uwMeeting as the best platform in this area (see comparative table).
In addition, the possibility of being able to record each of their lessons carried out, proves to be an excellent plus to provide students.
The secretariats can organize the courses and coordinate the lessons by distributing the invitations by email, WhatsApp or more simply through the registration of teachers and students to the platform.
uwMeeting gives the possibility to involve students from all over the world who otherwise could not participate in your courses and master classes.

Guest listeners

uwMeeting allows the management of listeners.
The listener is a user who participates passively in the lessons, without having the opportunity to interact with the active participants (teacher and student/s), not even with the text chat.
The listener can attend the lessons according to the logic that the secretariats may decide:
- attend only one lesson with a personal pass
- attend all the lessons of a given class
- attend all the lessons in progress.
The auditor cannot attend more than one lesson at the same time and does not have access to any videos recorded.

Digital register

The management of uwMeeting allows the organization and coordination of courses, teachers, students and the preparation of lessons.
The main features are:

Calendar of lessons

The calendar of lessons can also be set up by the teachers independently, but only if authorized by the secretaries.
For each lesson, in addition to the date and time of the lesson, the duration of the lesson, whether a video will be recorded, who and how many students will participate.
Once the lesson has been entered, it will be possible to save the event on one's own calendar (Goggle or Apple Calendar for example) and get a warning before it starts.
Students are not obliged to be registered (it's optional), but they can receive links to the lessons via email with other chat programs (e.g. WhatsApp).


The inspector is an optional feature that allows you to monitor and verify
- How many minutes the teacher and student(s) spent together.
- when each of them entered the classroom for the first time
- when each of them left the classroom.
This can also be useful in assessing one of the qualities of the lessons.

They use uwMeeting

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